
DREAM3DLAB recent publications 

  • BEHAV3D Nature Protocols, 2024
  • Alieva M#, Wezenaar AKL#, Wehrens EJ*, Rios AC*. #Joint first authors; *Joint senior authors
    Bridging live cell imaging and next-generation cancer treatment. Nature Reviews Cancer, 2023
  • van Ineveld RL#, Collot R#, Román MB, Pagliaro A, Bessler N, Ariese HCR, Kleinnijenhuis M, Kool M, Alieva M, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Wehrens EJ, Rios AC. #Joint first authors
    Multispectral confocal 3D imaging of intact healthy and tumor tissue using mLSR-3D.
    Nature Protocols, 2022 – PUBMED
  • Rios AC, van Rheenen J, Scheele CLGJ.
    Multidimensional imaging of breast cancer.
    Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med, 2022 – PUBMED
  • Rios AC.
    Resolving the spatial heterogeneity of cancer in 3D.
    Nature Reviews Cancer, 2022 – PUBMED
  • Dekkers JF#, Alieva M#, Cleven A, Keramati F, Wezenaar AKL, van Vliet EJ, Puschhof J, […], Clevers H*, Kuball J*, Sebestyen Z*, Rios AC*. #Joint first authors; *Joint senior authors
    Uncovering the mode of action of engineered T cells in patient cancer organoids.
    Nature Biotechnology, 2022 – PUBMED
  • van Ineveld RL#, van Vliet EJ#, Wehrens EJ#, Alieva M, Rios AC. #Joint first authors
    3D imaging for driving cancer discovery.
    The EMBO Journal, 2022 – PUBMED
  • van Ineveld RL#, Kleinnijenhuis M#, Alieva M, de Blank S, Barrera Román M, van Vliet EJ, Martínez Mir C, Johnson HR, Bos FL, Heukers R, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Drost J, Dekkers JF, Wehrens EJ, Rios AC. #Joint first authors
    Revealing the spatio-phenotypic patterning of cells in healthy and tumor tissues with mLSR-3D and STAPL-3D
    Nature Biotechnology, 2021 – PUBMED
  • Dawson CA, Mueller SN, Lindeman GJ, Rios AC*, Visvader JE*. *Joint senior authors
    Intravital microscopy of dynamic single-cell behavior in mouse mammary tissue.
    Nature Protocols, 2021 – PUBMED
  • Dekkers FD, van Vliet EJ, Sachs N, Rosenbluth JM, Kopper O., Rebel HG, Wehrens EW, Piani C, Visvader JE, Verissimo CS, Boj SF, Brugge JS, Clevers H*, Rios AC*. *Joint senior authors
    A toolbox for long-term culture, genetic manipulation and xenotransplantation of human normal and cancerous breast organoids.
    Nature Protocols, 2021 – PUBMED
  • van Ineveld RL#, Margaritis T#, Kooiman BAP, Groenveld F, Ariese HCR, Lijnzaad P, Johnson HR, Korving J, Wehrens EJ, Holstege F, van Rheenen J, Drost J, Rios AC*, Bos FL*. #Joint first authors; *Joint senior authors
    LGR6 marks nephron progenitor cells
    Developmental Dynamics, 2021 – PUBMED
  • Wellens LM, Deken MM, Sier CFM, Johnson HR, de la Jara Ortiz F, Bhairosingh SS, Houvast RD, Kholosy WM, Baart VM, Pieters AMMJ, de Krijger RR, Molenaar JJ, Wehrens EJ, Dekkers JF, Wijnen MHWA, Vahrmeijer AL, Rios AC.
    Anti-GD2-IRDye800CW as a targeted probe for fluorescence-guided surgery in neuroblastoma.
    Scientific Reports, 2020 – PUBMED
  • van Ineveld RL, Ariese HCR, Wehrens EJ, Dekkers JF, Rios AC.
    Single-Cell Resolution Three-Dimensional Imaging of Intact Organoids.
    JoVE, 2020 – PUBMED
  • Dawson CA, Pal B, Vaillant F, Gandolfo LC, Liu Z, Bleriot C, Ginhoux F, Smyth GK, Lindeman GJ, Mueller SN, Rios AC*, Visvader JE*. *Joint senior authors
    Tissue-resident ductal macrophages survey the mammary epithelium and facilitate tissue remodelling.
    Nature Cell Biology, 2020 – PUBMED
  • Kluiver TA, Alieva M, van Vuurden DG, Wehrens EJ*, Rios AC*. *Joint senior authors
    Invaders Exposed: Understanding and Targeting Tumor Cell Invasion in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma.
    Frontiers in Oncolology, 2020 – PUBMED
  • Rios AC, Capaldo BD, Vaillant F, Pal B, van Ineveld R, Dawson CA, Chen Y, Nolan E, Fu NY, Jackling FC, Devi S, Clouston D, Whitehead L, Smyth GK, Mueller SN, Lindeman GJ, Visvader JE .
    Intraclonal Plasticity in Mammary Tumors Revealed through Large-Scale Single-Cell Resolution 3D Imaging.
    Cancer Cell 35, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Dekkers FD, Alieva M, Wellens LM, Ariese HCR, Jamieson PR, Vonk AM, Amatngalim GD, Hu H, Oost KC, Snippert HJG, Beekman JM, Wehrens EJM, Visvader JE*, Clevers H*, Rios AC*. *Joint senior authors
    High-resolution 3D imaging of fixed and cleared organoids.
    Nature Protocols, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Alieva M. & Rios, AC.
    Longitudinal Intravital Imaging of Brain Tumor Cell Behavior in Response to an Invasive Surgical Biopsy.
    JoVE, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Rios AC & Clevers H.
    Imaging organoids: a bright future ahead.
    Nature Methods, 2018 – PUBMED

Recent collaborative publications

At DREAM3DLAB we care about making our imaging technologies accessible to the wider scientific community and advance multiple area’s of research. For our organoid imaging protocol in particular, we have collaborated with multiple research groups to characterize a wide variety of newly developed organoid models.

  • – Huang Q, Garrett A, Bose S, Blocker S, Rios AC, Clevers H, Xiling S.
    The frontier of live tissue imaging across space and time.
    Cell Stem Cell, 2021 – PUBMED
  • Bock C, Boutros M, Camp JG, Clarke L, Clevers H, Knoblich JA, Liberali P, Regev A, Rios AC, Stegle O, Stunnenberg HJ, Teichmann SA, Treutlein B, Vries RGJ & the Human Cell Atlas ‘Biological Network’ Organoids.
    The Organoid Cell Atlas.
    Nature Biotechnology, 2021 – PUBMED
  • Calandrini C, Schutgens F, Oka R, Margaritis T, Candelli T, Mathijsen L, Ammerlaan C, van Ineveld RL, Derakhshan S, de Haan S, Dolman E, Lijnzaad P, Custers L, Begthel H, Kerstens HHD, Visser LL, Rookmaaker M, Verhaar M, Tytgat GAM, Kemmeren P, de Krijger RR, Al-Saadi R, Pritchard-Jones K, Kool M, Rios AC, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Molenaar JJ, van Boxtel R, Holstege FCP, Clevers H, Drost J.
    An organoid biobank for childhood kidney cancers that captures disease and tissue heterogeneity.
    Nature Communications, 2020 – PUBMED
  • Post Y, Puschhof J, Beumer J, Kerkkamp HM, de Bakker MAG, Slagboom J, de Barbanson B, Wevers NR, Spijkers XM, Olivier T, Kazandjian TD, Ainsworth S, Iglesias CL, van de Wetering WJ, Heinz MC, van Ineveld RL, van Kleef RGDM, Begthel H, Korving J, Bar-Ephraim YE, Getreuer W, Rios AC, Westerink RHS, Snippert HJG, van Oudenaarden A, Peters PJ, Vonk FJ, Kool J, Richardson MK, Casewell NR, Clevers H.
    Snake Venom Gland Organoids
    Cell, 2020 – PUBMED
  • Wellens LM, Meulstee J, van de Ven CP, Terwisscha van Scheltinga CEJ, Littooij AS, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Fiocco M, Rios AC, Maal T, Wijnen MHWA.
    Comparison of 3-Dimensional and Augmented Reality Kidney Models with Conventional Imaging Data in the Preoperative Assessment of Children With Wilms Tumors.
    JAMA Network Open, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Gehart H, van Es JH, Hamer K, Beumer J, Kretzschmar K, Dekkers JF, Rios A, Clevers H. Identification of Enteroendocrine Regulators by Real-Time Single-Cell Differentiation Mapping.
    Cell, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Schutgens F, Rookmaaker MB, Margaritis T, Rios A, Ammerlaan C, Jansen J, Gijzen L, Vormann M, Vonk A, Viveen M, Yengej FY, Derakhshan S, de Winter-de Groot KM, Artegiani B, van Boxtel R, Cuppen E, Hendrickx APA, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Heitzer E, Lanz H, Beekman J, Murk JL, Masereeuw R, Holstege F, Drost J, Verhaar MC, Clevers H.
    Tubuloids derived from human adult kidney and urine for personalized disease modeling.
    Nature Biotechnology, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Sachs N, Papaspyropoulos A, Zomer-van Ommen DD, Heo I, Böttinger L, Klay D, Weeber F, Huelsz-Prince G, Iakobachvili N, Amatngalim GD, de Ligt J, van Hoeck A, Proost N, Viveen MC, Lyubimova A, Teeven L, Derakhshan S, Korving J, Begthel H, Dekkers JF, Kumawat K, Ramos E, van Oosterhout MF, Offerhaus GJ, Wiener DJ, Olimpio EP, Dijkstra KK, Smit EF, van der Linden M, Jaksani S, van de Ven M, Jonkers J, Rios AC, Voest EE, van Moorsel CH, van der Ent CK, Cuppen E, van Oudenaarden A, Coenjaerts FE, Meyaard L, Bont LJ, Peters PJ, Tans SJ, van Zon JS, Boj SF, Vries RG, Beekman JM, Clevers H.
    Long-term expanding human airway organoids for disease modeling.
    EMBO Journal, 2019 – PUBMED
  • Hu H, Gehart H, Artegiani B, LÖpez-Iglesias C, Dekkers F, Basak O, van Es J, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Begthel H, Korving J, van den Born M, Zou C, Quirk C, Chiriboga L, Rice CM, Ma S, Rios A, Peters PJ, de Jong YP, Clevers H.
    Long-Term Expansion of Functional Mouse and Human Hepatocytes as 3D Organoids. Cell, 2018 – PUBMED